- In order to make a profit, business must reduce costs wherever it can. A National Public Bank would cover retirement and health care, as well as reduce the cost of living for everyone (by making essential goods and services affordable through the Bank). Business would no longer need to provide self-employment or payroll taxes, employee benefits, worker’s compensation, etc.
- Capitalism operates at a loss because of all the sunk costs of infrastructure (energy, transportation, security / military, education, communication, etc.), that until now have been pushed onto taxpayers; later it shows up on the books as ballooning National Debt. In order to make Capitalism viable, it needs to operate debt-free; the National Public Bank cleans up Capitalism’s balance sheet, allowing it to operate in the black.
- In order to save Capitalism, we need to be honest about what its purpose really is. Capitalism has never been designed to take care of people or planet; it is only designed to take care of itself. Capitalism is something people do to fill their day (aka pursuing their ‘happiness’ or ‘wants’). Ultimately, People still have to take care of their own needs; waiting around for Capitalism to do this is naive. The National Public Bank is the easiest way for people to take care of themselves, by providing essential needs in the most affordable way, while creating lifelong health care and retirement security. It will also bear the burden of preparing people to participate in Capitalism, by providing them with an education; meanwhile, it will also prepare them to be artists, athletes, explorers and discoverers, in case the shallowness of Capitalist Consumerism fails to continue stimulating their evolving sensibilities.