The Third Option
Universal Education
(Designing our Future Export)
Begin With the End in Mind
The New Education is nothing more than a research and development laboratory with two goals in mind: to grow sustainable people, then train and equip them to grow a sustainable future. This new future will need new infrastructure, and once this is built, it will need people to operate and maintain it. The arrangement is simple: we will spend $400,000 per child to educate them, and in return, they will give us $400,000 worth of effort toward building this emerging future; after that, they will step into it and operate it for a time, followed by a period of overseeing the next group of ‘apprentices’, as they take their turn to operate it.
A sustainable future is going to need sustainable food, water, energy, transportation, communication, housing, etc., for possibly 10 billion people. Not a problem, once we get 10 billion people working on the problem.
Educational Logistics
The geology of human awareness is the process of applying pressure and time to the immense block of ignorance directly in front of us, and unless we diligently seek to erode this ignorance, we will never get to find out what lies beyond it. Our minds are the only vehicle that allows us to travel outside the boundaries of time and space, but we are squandering this unique human skill playing video games and surfing the internet.
The Universe was not created by fixing up some old broken universe that was already lying around; it was created through a surge of Power. It was built from scratch. It is quite possible our universe went through several iterations, to get it just right — we, too, will need to go through several iterations, in order to get our future just right. The whole of human progress is most certainly a process of trial and error. The earth was flat a long time before it was round.
The true issue for humanity right now is that we are without direction. We are biding our time between birth and death keeping ourselves busy and mildly entertained, but we are clearly bored, and in need of some higher purpose. So much human power is being wasted, because it is apparently just too hard to be nice to each other. In the ‘we’re chickening-out and going to Plan B’ of human existence, the powers-that-be have offered us up rugged ‘individualism’, where the best we can hope for is to be the smartest ‘bestest’ plankton in a sea of plankton, but in truth, it is only those things we do that benefit the whole of humanity that are worth a damn.
The first step to reach our ‘as-yet-to emerge future’ is to fashion a motor onto a vehicle, that will fit the whole world of people, and take us away from eternal drifting, where only the tides of time pull us forward, and kick it into a higher gear.
In what we euphemistically refer to as ‘foreign relations,’ America has followed a policy of ‘protecting our interests abroad’ for the past 76 years, attempting to establish a global marketplace for its Capitalist brand of economics, but always careful to white-wash it with a thin coat of Democracy that frankly, everyone can see right through. Adhering to the tenets of Capitalism has put us in the company of many fine thugs and oppressors on both sides; We have been personally involved in other country’s regime change 91 times that we know about, but staying true to our agenda, it has always been to get our hands on other people’s assets and resources; it was never personal—it was always about the profit.
The Third Option wants to Export a New Brand, where ‘Giving is the New Taking’, and real democratic concepts are utilized, like empowering people to take care of themselves. We the People must be the defenders of Democracy—it is the American People’s Greatest Hit. Allowing the private sector to peddle fake Democracy to other countries in some bait-and-switch con to gain a Capitalist foothold has ruined America’s reputation and Democracy’s reputation. Now, if you attempt to say you are ‘proud to be an American’ with a straight face, no one else will be able to keep a straight face.
Apologies to our next generation for what we have done to your Democracy; now the only way we can export this new brand of empowerment is if our own children go forward as the ambassadors of it; no one in their right mind would trust any American government politician or military official at this point. Once our words match our actions for a while, perhaps we can silently be proud again—but please do not say it out loud until this ‘Peace Project’ is finished.
Exporting Our New Brand
Our New Grading System
The Earth is a giant living organism; we currently maintain a symbiotic relationship with it, which could be classified as either:
+1 – Mutualism: both people and planet benefit in the relationship
0 – Commensalism: people benefit, and leave the Earth unaffected
-1 – Parasitism: people benefit at the expense of everything else
This grading system could be used to not only measure our relationship to the Earth, but also our relationship to each other. “0” means you take can care of yourself, without really affecting the rest of us too much; zero would be an excellent grade. Occasionally, people extend themselves, and do good things for others; if this is you, give yourself a “+1”. “-1” means you are a parasite, and parasites suck—literally. The goal would be to grow sustainable people, who don’t suck.