Department of the Treasury
(Old Budget = $22.6 Billion / 108,000 FTE’s)
This is where all the money would be created [through Bank Loans], collected [through taxes], managed [through payment of debts] and dispersed [through Retirement Dividends, paychecks to Federal Businesses, including Education and Health Care]
1) OFFICE OF FEDERAL BANK MANAGEMENT (Money Creation, Management, Dispersal)
- One EXECUTIVE TEAM (Secretary + Staff) = $2 Million
- One TEAM (housed within Community Center) per 100,000 population, that is made up of receptionist[s], Banker[s], Tax Collection & Accounting Officer[s], Federal Business Accountant[s], Retirement Manager[s], Health and Education Payroll Department (Cost: $2 Million per TEAM X 3,300 TEAMS) = $6.6 Billion
We would already have Federal Department and Business TEAMS in place for all Our local endeavors, also housed within each Community Center, and on each of these Teams would be a Financier / Accountant [position], whose job it is to directly deal with Federal Bank Management. Examples:
- HEALTH CARE (The Bank is funding this Infrastructure)
- EDUCATION (We are hoping for student Innovation to help cut Education Costs)
- AGRICULTURE (Regenerative Farming, Vertical Farming, Food Outlets)
- TRANSPORTATION (land, sea, air)
- ENERGY (Wind, Solar, Hydro, Nuclear, Hydrogen, plus National Grids)
- COMMUNICATIONS (Telecommunications, Internet, GPS plus Grid)
- MISC. UTILITIES (Water, Waste, Hydrogen Fuel or Solar Electric Vehicle Charging Stations)
- SECURITY (FBI, any other necessary SECURITY Department presence)
- COMMUNITY INVESTMENT (any extra revenue from Centers, Food, Education, Health Investments, Waste / Recycling, etc.)
2) OFFICE OF TAXATION (Internal Revenue)
- 10 TEAMS, to correspond to the 10 different kinds of taxes. These TEAMS will receive double the usual funding in order to do their jobs effectively.
- INCOME TAX COLLECTION [Includes corporations, too, which are considered individuals]
- [NEWLY REALIZED] CAPITAL GAINS TAX COLLECTION [Includes Estate or Inheritance taxes, Gift Taxes, Variable Forward Contracts, Stock Sales]
- ENVIRONMENTAL TAX COLLECTION [EPA tax, Waste Management / Recycling Tax, Carbon Tax (or HEALTH CARE can collect it)]
- TRANSPORTATION TAX COLLECTION [FAA tax, Road / Rail / Runway Usage taxes]
- IMPORT TAX COLLECTION* [Anything made abroad, even by US companies, gets this Tax when it shows up here]
*This would necessarily move the US Customs Service back to the Treasury Department
We would no longer go after income earned outside our Country from US corporations or even individual citizens, but if you tried to ship any products back into the US to sell to our citizens, there would be a 10% tax levied on it. Also, we would no longer pay for Military to protect shipping lanes, for example, or pay for Federal Agencies to negotiate International Trade disputes – When it comes to financial dealings, It is no longer the People’s concern what goes on outside our Domestic Jurisdiction.
[Includes Community Tax, Drug Retail Business]
Total Budget = $40 Million for 10 TEAMS, $4 Million per TEAM
NOTE: There would be Internal Revenue Services on the job, also, helping in the tax collection process until it can be determined how little we can spend on this process.
This is where we would invest our money, in the hope of developing valuable products we could then sell to ourselves, that need People’s Bank Loans, that pay out Retirement Dividends to all of us. (Think of this as replacing all the old Federal Government Grants from the National Science Foundation, Health and Human Services, Department of Education, etc. – perhaps some of these same people would now be working for us).
- HEALTH INNOVATION [Already accounted for in Health Taxation] – $7.3 Billion a year
- EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION [Already accounted for in Education Budget, will hopefully pay for itself] – $500 Million+ a year
- TRANSPORTATION INNOVATION [Part of Energy Department Budget] – $1 Billion a year
- ENERGY INNOVATION [Already accounted for in Energy Department Budget] – $3 Billion a year
A Yearly amount of $16 Billion would be set aside. If we were to fund this through the Bank, we would only need to pay a $916.64 million each year, but we would only do this if we set out specific tasks that had a high probability of success in a short period of time, leading to products that could make this money back down the road. This doesn’t sound like the former Federal Government, but that is how we would be doing business now.
4) OLD TREASURY DEPARTMENT OFFICES [What we are still keeping… or now]
- Bureau of the Fiscal Services [Old Budget = $348 Million / 2,350 FTE’s]
- Revenue Collections – Claims to collect all our Taxes [so why do we need the Internal Revenue Department? Will keep this as we transition to this new system]
- Government-wide Accounting Office keeps track of all government money and assures the continuous exchange of financial information between federal agencies, the Executive Branch’s Office of Management and Budget, and our New Bank.
- Debt Collection – Collecting Delinquent Debt
- The General Fund of the US Government – America’s Checkbook
- Treasury Security Services (Treasury Direct) – Handles the sale and issuance of treasury securities – We are no longer borrowing money from anybody, but may need this service to manage our current debt
- Payments Department – We can use this Office to pay out Retirement Dividends and our Payroll Tax Welfare for 8 years
- Government Agency Investment Services – Fun Fact: This is the Office that allegedly gave away all our Social Securities Trust Fund money to finance a couple wars.
New Budget = $244 Million
- Internal Revenue Service (Old Budget = $12 Billion / 92,009 FTE’s)
- We are cutting the Enforcement Division
- Taxpayer Services costs us $2.33 Billion, uses 24,400 FTE
- Operations Support costs us $3.95 Billion, uses 11,365 FTE
- These two divisions cost us $6.28 Billion – across-the-board 30% cut in pay means:
New Budget = $4.4 Billion [This cost would quickly come down]
- Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (Old Budget = $108 Million / 346 FTE’s)
- This Office now has to pay for itself if it wants to remain; in other words, they are working on commission, so you better not mess with them!
- Bureau of Engraving and Printing / United States Mint (Combined Budgets = $4.32 Billion / 3,818 FTE’s)
- Customary 30% Pay Cut means:
New Budget = $3 Billion
- Social Security Program
- We are folding this into Treasury until we no longer need it – 76,383 employees averaging $168,500 each in salaries. For our 8-year plan we will pay for this, but with a 30% pay cut = $9 Billion
New Budget = $23.288 Billion (Plus a $16 Billion R & D Loan to deliver us our first round of needed Energy, Transportation, Construction, Food Science, Waste, Recycling, Communication and Security)
R & D Loan Payment = $1 Billion
NOTE: US Customs Enforcement could cost as much as $6 Billion but is not included (even though it would be under the Treasury’s Budget) because its employees would be paid out of import taxes collected.
The Federal Government has the Constitutional Power to “lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the Unites States…to borrow Money on the credit of the United States…To coin Money [and] regulate the Value thereof…[and] to make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers.” Using these “Implied Powers” from Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, Alexander Hamilton established the first National Bank in 1791. The Supreme Court upheld the Constitutionality of a National Bank in 1819. We would now resurrect the People’s Bank in Hamilton’s honor.

There would be quite a juggling act involved in collecting taxes and dispersing all of it among the various interest of the People.
Here is some of the accounting necessary:
- Extra Taxation
- Waste Taxes [to help fund Waste Management]
- Mineral Taxes [belongs to everyone, will be put in the Bank, or used to help pay for basic needs]
- Recreational Drug Tax [Federal Cannabis shipments, profit can go to Health Care for unrealized illicit Drug Health Costs]
Although we have cut IRS enforcement from the budget, we would have Tax Collection and Accounting directly within each Community. Every citizen between the age of 21 and 51 must pay at least $2,000 in Income Taxes in order to qualify for a Retirement Dividend. If less than $2,000 is paid into an individual’s account, the account would get flagged, and a local investigation would ensue, which may lead to an audit of said individual, to determine his or her actual yearly income [Of course there may be many reasons for someone not to pay their fair share, which would be taken into account during this inquiry]. AGAIN, in order to NOT get a visit / audit from the Federal Government, All citizens between the ages of 21 and 51must contribute $2,000 a year to the Income Tax Fund.
Internal Revenue Service ($12 Billion, 92,009 FTE)
Has four major operating divisions: Large Business and International (LB&I), Small Business/Self-Employed (SB/SE), Wage and Investment (W&I), and Tax Exempt & Government Entities (TE/GE) [Fiscal Services claims to collect all the revenues – why do we need so many employees?]
- Taxpayer Services costs $2.33 Billion, uses 24,400 FTE
- Enforcement cost $4.7 Billion, uses 35,049 FTE investigates, enforces regulations, collects (but so does Fiscal Services)
- Operations Support costs $3.95 Billion, uses 11,365 FTE infrastructure, shared services, information services
- Business Systems Management costs $110 Million, uses 229 FTE [With this many employees, it should be able to handle all taxation for us]
International Programs ($2.61 Billion, ZERO FTE)
- Where is our money going?
- Economic Growth, National Security and Poverty Reduction (MDBs)[$2.1 B]:
- Multilateral Development Banks – The World Bank Group
- The World Bank Group (WBG) is composed of the International Development Association (IDA [$1.36 B], the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) [$187 M], the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).
- Food Security [$165 M]
- World Bank Environmental Trust Funds [$427.5 M]
- Debt Relief [$175.3 M]
- Treasury Office of Technical Assistance [$23.5 M]
- IMF: “The IMF is one of several “multilateral” supranational bureaucracies (along with the World Bank and United Nations) hatched in the mid-1940s to help midwife a new world order. The IMF’s member governments fund its operations by taxing its citizens, to whom the IMF is virtually unaccountable. In return for the IMF’s help, a country is usually required to embark on an IMF-monitored economic reform program, otherwise known as Structural Adjustment Policies (SAPs) [also called austerity measures] Critics of the IMF say that, as it stands now, the IMF is only deepening the rift between the wealthy and the poor nations of the world [Because the IMF lends its money with “strings attached” in the form of its SAPs]
BOTTOM LINE: We would give to other countries in a new way now – not lend them money and charge them interest, then take over their economies if they fail to pay us back on time.
- Office of Fiscal Stability ($184 Million, 86 FTE) Don’t need it
- Small Business Lending Programs ($17 Million, 25 FTE) – Got it covered
- State Small Business Credit Initiative ($7 Million, 12 FTE) – Got it covered
- Financial Stability Oversight Council ($20 Million, 26 FTE) – Does oversight ever have any teeth? Don’t need it.
- Office of Financial Research ($92 Million, 249 FTE) – Got it covered
Bureau of Engraving and Printing ($749 Million, 1,944 FTE), plus the United States Mint ($3.571 Billion, 1,874 FTE)
- Both of these would be under one roof now, run by the Treasurer
- All offices kept would take a 30% pay cut
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency ($1.104 Billion, 3,997 FTE) The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) is a federal agency that oversees the execution of laws relating to national banks. There are four district OCC offices, as well as an office in London which supervises international activities of national banks. The staff of bank examiners conducts on-site reviews of national banks and federal savings associations. They provide supervision by analyzing the institution’s loan and investment portfolios, funds management, capital, earnings, liquidity, and sensitivity to market risk.
NOTE: Congress does not fund the OCC. Instead, funding is from national banks and federal savings associations, who pay for examinations and processing of their corporate applications. The OCC also receives revenue from its investment income, which is primarily from U.S. Treasury securities.
- Supervise: 3,617 FTE, $1,099,477,000 (or $304k per FTE)????
- Regulate: 335 FTE, $101,963,000 (or $304.3k per FTE)????
- Charter: 89 FTE, $27,026,000 (or $303.6k per FTE)???? (at least they are consistent)
Their own numbers:
- Total expenses = $1,228,466,000 [74.25% of their budget]
- Number of FTE’s = 4,041 (this is equal to $304,000 per FTE)
- Pay and Benefits = $912,130,000
- Non-personnel expenses = $316,336,000 [25.75% of their budget] BACKGROUND: Lincoln invented this department to fund the Civil War, issuing “greenbacks” – we took away its money creating powers and made it a regulatory agency for all the other private national banks, where we all keep our money, but private bankers reap the profit. Current Mission Statement: To ensure that national banks and federal savings associations operate in a safe and sound manner, provide fair access to financial services, treat customers fairly, and comply with applicable laws and regulations. ASSESSMENT: Seems like none of this is going on. We had to bail out the banks, they do not and did not treat us (their customers) fairly or provide all of us fair access to their financial services. On that alone we should get rid of them. They probably would not work for us anyway, because we are not going to pay them what they are used to making. If it is decided that they have to stay to still oversee private banking, I believe the American People should be profiting from it.
BOTTOM LINE: We are not giving any money to this. Perhaps it can become a source of profit for us, or we can disband it at some point. But we have no obligation to fund it.
SUMMARY: We need to collect all the taxes. We need to pay all the government workers. We need to pay people their Retirement Dividends. We need to enforce our tax laws. We need to collect delinquent payments. We may need to cut checks to government for expenses (Would prefer to give the TEAMS their small allotment and let them manage themselves – eliminate any avenue for governmental departments to request more money – we need to be like strict parents who say “the Bank is closed”).
ONE FINAL OBSERVATION: we have 4 different entities within the Treasury who appear to perform the same functions.
- Bureau of the Fiscal Services ($348 Million, 2,350 FTE)
- Internal Revenue Service ($12 Billion, 92,009 FTE)
- Administration ($311 Million, 1,320 FTE)
- Office of the Comptroller of the Currency ($1.104 Billion, 3,997 FTE)
BOTTOM LINE: The Bureau of Fiscal Services claims to do most of the work, for the least amount of money. The tax laws are going to get a whole lot easier, and we would have leverage on a high percentage of the population in terms of getting taxes out of them, so enforcement, while present, does not need this level of funding.
Some Light Reading
- Continue payroll taxation during the proposed “8-year plan” – businesses are used to paying 6.2 % + 1.45% (Medicare) = 7.65%. Employees are used to paying the same. Self-employed are paying 15.3%.
- Since there is no more Medicare, Businesses would take 5% out of employees pay and add another 10% to it, then send a check to the Treasury equal to 15% of their employee’s wages. Business get to subtract all employee wages (including this extra 10%) before paying their “10% Retirement Dividend Tax” on total revenue. Employees would receive their paychecks (minus the 5% OASDI) and pay their “10% Retirement Dividend Tax” on total revenue. Self-employed people would pay 15% off the top (10% into Retirement, 5% into the Social Security Fund).
- Whatever amount we take in, we would split evenly among all welfare recipients [Veterans, Disabled, Blind, Old, etc]
- Currently we need $892 Billion for OASDI, $149 Billion for DI, $87 Billion for Veteran’s disability pensions, and $58 Billion for SSI. This equals about $1.2 Trillion.
- Our new 15% payroll tax should get us at least $982 Billion (this is what we would get with the tax capped at the first $128,000 of individual income, but we are doing away with the cap, which should get us a pretty good bump from the upper tier income sector). We estimate $1 trillion in funds would be collected. In other words, we would be short some of the money these citizens are used to getting.
- We need to cover 62 million recipients of OASDI + 10 million recipients of DI + 8.2 million recipients of SSI + 4.26 million recipients of disability pensions = 84.46 million citizen
- Some have been accused of “triple dipping” and getting 3 different benefits at the same time (estimated 60,000). In truth, we cannot even have any “double dippers” in the system. There is no records kept on this, so we will simply have to assume for now that nobody is doing this. $1 Trillion for 84.4 million recipients = $11,848.34 per person in need. Hopefully we could give everyone $1,000 a month to help them make it through their day. Remember, they would automatically receive healthcare, and could get Affordable Housing, local food subsidies, and we would love to give them a job as well, which would not diminish their benefits.
- Doing the math, after 8 years, The Retirement Dividend would have enough money to help us begin to eliminate the payroll tax. IMPORTANT: Over the ensuing 8 years, we could need another $1.3 Trillion in funding until the Retirement Dividend can completely take over for all citizens. STRATEGY: If we eliminated the employee’s obligation (5%), lower the self-employment obligation to only 2% of their total income, and continue the employer’s obligation of 7.5% (allowing them the continued deduction from their total revenue), we could cover this cost for two more years, then eliminate all payroll tax for everyone. NOTE: This would mean that recipients only receive $1,000 a month; this would only start to rise in year 20. A set Program end date of 8 (or 9) years should be written into the new Welfare Contract. People can put up with a little suffering or sacrifice, as long as we know when it will end. To Welfare Recipients, I hope you can understand that the current group of working Americans are giving up a sizable chunk of their salaries so you can receive this $1,000 a month boost. To those working Americans contributing to this new Welfare Contract, I hope you can understand the sacrifice that this group of older Americans and Veterans gave to their Country. They, along with us, are the victims of the way our government has done business for over 200 years, fighting wars, delaying gratification, for the hope of some promise that for most was never delivered.
- Immediately hold Congressional hearings to decide the fate of the US Treasury Trust Fund. OUR TAKE: Default on the IOUs of the Treasury Trust Fund – declare bankruptcy on ourselves, wipe the $2.9 Trillion from the books and move on.
The reasoning:
- The previous administrations have taken our payroll tax surpluses (amounts left over each year after paying out retirement benefits to our “over-65” citizens) and spent them on other things, leaving IOUs in their place. It would be nice to have those surpluses, then we could completely eliminate payroll taxes from year one, but all we have are IOU’s. More irritating is the fact we fought some questionable wars with much of the money.
- We are getting interest payments from these IOU’s. It seems to be around $83 Billion, which we are using to pay benefits. Where is this money coming from? It seems it comes from the General Fund, which means that the government took our money, which is gone gone gone, and is now using our taxes to pay for the interest. It also appears that when they must finally pay back the principle on this loan—you guessed it—they will tax us some more to get it.
- This is why we should have a hearing on the matter. It appears we gave the government $2.9 Trillion for our retirement, then they spent it, and are now charging us interest on what they took from us until such time as they tax us again for the $2.9 Trillion. Possibly even worse than this, they might have sold bonds to us (hopefully only us and not some other country) on money they actually do not have. If this is true, we may have to pay three times for the same thing that was supposed to be earmarked for our Baby Boomers. Talk about delayed gratification, apparently Baby Boomers won’t see the money until after they are dead. At least we won those wars in Vietnam and Iran and Afghanistan. Oh wait, that didn’t happen either.
BOTTOM LINE: cut our losses and move on.
Department of Foreign Relations

(Old Budget = $90 Billion / 30,000 FTE’s)
This Department [formerly the State Department] is where we would take our Third Option social experiment in Democracy —the ‘proactive version— and go on the road with it. We would call it ‘Exporting our New Brand’, and base it on the hypothesis that all human beings, at their core, are basically the same.
- ONE EXECUTIVE TEAM (Secretary of State + Staff) in Washington DC = $2 Million
- OFFICE of U.S. AMBASSADORS TO EACH COUNTRY (195 TEAMS) X $2 Million per TEAM = $400 Million
[In reality, the United Nations recognizes 241 countries and territories in the world, which could theoretically bring this cost up to $480 Million in the future]
- U.S. INTERNATIONAL GLOBAL SCHOOLS (where we hope to eventually house our 195+ AMBASSADORS while they are abroad)
Global School Costs:
- $2 Billion in Construction Costs per School X 200 Schools = $400 Billion
[includes cost of a Small Nuclear Reactor = $1 Billion, can handle 112,000 homes]
- $250 Million a year in Supplies and Equipment X 200 Schools = $50 Billion a year
- $50 Million in yearly Staff Salaries and Wages X 200 Schools = $10 Billion a year
Other Costs:
- Security Assistance: $4.3 Billion is the usual amount paid for our Military to keep Ambassadors and Government Officials safe while they are abroad. $1.163 Billion is also spent for Worldwide Security Protection. We will set aside $5 Billion for the Military to oversee security for this endeavor.
- United Nations (and other international organizations): $1.529 Billion to keep them up and running.
Travel Expenses:
- Moving nearly 4 million students all over the world each year will incur a significant cost. Until our Federal Airlines is built (Or we decide to transport people by ship), a cost of $6 Billion for travel will be added to the bill.
We would combine all the above costs into one giant $500 Billion Bank Loan. That would give us enough capital to fund our plan for 8 years. Meanwhile, we would look for ways to have it ultimately pay for itself from that point forward. This would leave us with a yearly Loan Payment of $28.65 Billion (however it goes, at least we would have put all this tax money straight into our retirement fund).
New Budget = $29.06 Billion
[Bank Loan + Salaries for Ambassadors / Secretary of State]
We have all heard of “Carrots and Sticks”. Our new Paradigm is “Win / Win or No Deal”. Carrots and Sticks are both ways the U.S. has tried to get something it wants, but in the new paradigm, we already have everything we want and most of what we need, therefore we do not have to negotiate anything. This gives us the chance to sincerely ask others “Is there anything you need?”
Almost always, the correct path forward is also the harder path. Until we decide to relinquish our role as a leader, and accept the role of follower, we by default must choose the more difficult, best path. In the yin and yang of human interaction, hierarchal relationships seem to always form: haves and have nots, masters and slaves, employers and employees, leaders and followers, customers and servers, assailants and victims. It is clearly difficult for us to stand in an equal position with someone—devoid of personal need or motive or agenda—and reason something together, but until we do this, we will, by our very nature, fall into these more confrontational (hierarchal) relationships.
Warning: If we decide to simply “go it alone” (isolationism), and leave others behind, they don’t actually disappear. They’re still there, where we left them. They sit around and talk behind our back. If we’re lucky, they’ll get over the fact that we left them there to rot. If they hear we’re dead, that often helps them get over it. But if we’re living it up and looking super happy on our Facebook pages, well, don’t be surprised if there are repercussions for that shit further down the road.
Overseas Contingency Operations, also known as the Pentagon’s ‘Slush Fund’, could have more than $64 Billion stashed away. The People would not be paying anymore into this Fund, though if they are hiding money from previous years perhaps it would come in handy for them down the road; it could be their new version of “don’t ask don’t tell”.
The State Department and DoD have the least transparent and most confusing accounting of their financial business. This may end up biting them in the ass, as we would not allocate any money for something that is not in line with our new direction, and certainly would not be handing money to anyone when we do not know what we are paying for. Our reputation would no longer be based on our empty words, but on our actions (or in-actions); government would now be an extension of our collective will, and this makes us all equally culpable for the underhanded things we do.
BOTTOM LINE: We apologize to everyone whose funds would be cut initially. We are in a transition phase, and as we reassess our needs, we might revisit funding for any programs we determine are necessary to the overall well-being of our People and our Planet.
Some Light Reading
Department of Security

(Former Defense / Homeland Security Departments) (Old Budget: too much)
We advise housing all our security needs under one roof. Homeland Security, International Security, Special Forces (when offense is the only answer), and Cybersecurity. As Nuclear Proliferation was the brainchild of the “old school” Department of Defense, it is only fitting that the money needed to secure, dismantle, babysit, or clean up all things Nuclear should come from this budget as well. With the building of Integral Fast Reactors (IFR’s) or possibly some Traveling Wave Reactors (Bill Gates’ project), we would be able to eliminate many of the wastes that continue to drain money from our Federal Budget.
- OFFICE OF NATIONAL (HOMELAND) SECURITY (Old Budget = $46.4 Billion / 41,460 – 216,000 FTE’s)
- The FY 2009 budget only provided $2.124 billion for the Border Security Program.
- The FBI is considered a form of internal, or Homeland security, and would be housed here.
- NOTE: housed within the SECURITY business, the FBI’s focus would be crime prevention. Investigation would (of course) still be necessary, in order to assess the perceived threat—when appropriate, cases could be moved to the Department of Justice instead, and cleared from the FBI’s caseload—but if this department is to remain, it would need to prove that at least some crime can be prevented. [Also, the DEA and ATFE would now be under the FBI’s direction.]
- FEMA is considered an area of National Security and would be housed here.
- NOTE: FEMA usually gets around $14 Billion to help whoever needs it. We would have our Education Department (or Rehabilitation Facilities) make several thousand Tiny [Mobile] Homes available for temporary use by individuals or families who lose their homes through a natural disaster, as well as offer any other medical or essential needs assistance, as part of ‘paying back’ their education.
- MATH: could build 100,000 Tiny 250 sf [mobile] homes for $2.5 Billion
- NOTE: FEMA usually gets around $14 Billion to help whoever needs it. We would have our Education Department (or Rehabilitation Facilities) make several thousand Tiny [Mobile] Homes available for temporary use by individuals or families who lose their homes through a natural disaster, as well as offer any other medical or essential needs assistance, as part of ‘paying back’ their education.
- OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL SECURITY (U.S. MILITARY) (Old Budget = ($516 Billion / 1,352,081 FTE’s)
- Securing our humanitarian interests are the top priority, which would closely link our Military to the Department of Foreign Relations.
- The CIA is considered important to our international security, so it would be housed here.
- We will develop a new arsenal in line with our objectives, to include:
- minimal risk to the lives of our military and general population
- total elimination of any direct assault on our soil
- elimination of threatening leaders without needing to engage their people [they are not the threat]
- Health Grid
- Energy Grid
- Education Grid
- Transportation Grid
- ALL THINGS “NUCLEAR” FROM THE ENERGY DEPARTMENT’S OLD BUDGET (Old Budget = $12.5 Billion) [includes Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), which licenses and regulates non-military nuclear facilities]
- To save money, we would make our military weapons “in house” rather than hand money over to the Military Industrial Complex.
- We would institute a law banning our private sector from selling weapons to other countries, declaring it an act of Treason under Article III of the US Constitution. The state alone has a monopoly on the use of violence [meaning governments usurp the sole right to use or authorize the use of physical force within their borders].
- From now on, if the private sector wishes to hire our Military as some kind of Security Guard to patrol shipping lanes*, or to fight and die for oil or other raw materials, they better be ready to pay for this privilege. We the People are no longer going to commodify our Military in this way. Also, if our Military by chance creates any new innovation that makes its way into the private sector (like GPS, microwave ovens, Boeing 747 airplanes, etc., which BTW are all Military inventions), they would get paid for this as well. Someday, perhaps the Military would go public and sell shares on Wall Street, or open a “Go Fund Me” page, but until then, the budget for our government’s use of violence in order to “protect our [financial] interests abroad” is going to take a bit of a hit. We would continue to fight for our right to survive, and for our belief that the tyranny of one person over another is tantamount to the eventual oppression of us all, but we would no longer use violence simply to get our way.
We would put the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) within this Department, and let our military strategize on ways to collect some form of compensation for regulating international ocean transportation for the benefit of exporters, importers, and consumers.
New Budget = $225 Billion [covered by Our new 1% Land Value Tax]
The Military, like everything else, could use a new Operating System. One that is Affordable, Sustainable, reflects our “Mission Statement”, accomplishes our Objectives, and is free of what we now know to be the negative externalities or bad side effects caused by the old Operating System.
First Things First. Begin at the Beginning.
Way back, there was definitely a whole bunch of violence going on. And the ones with a knack for violence probably got more of whatever the group together could subdue. It’s a good bet that those most adept at killing grew even bigger and stronger, because they always got to eat first. This necessarily created a “pecking order” from the weakest to the strongest. Everybody has got to survive, though, so as time went by, and things progressed, some of these people found they were very adept at other skills, like tilling the soil and making things. They domesticated livestock and settled down in one spot. Meanwhile, that stronger, more violent dude was still around. He did not develop any skills other than violence, and unfortunately, there were others sitting around who were not much good at these new skills, either. They definitely needed guidance. They needed to fit in somewhere. Be useful. And the big violent dude, he had a good point. Why should these weak-ass farmers be better off than us?

Thus, the first Military was formed. It was created not to defend the weak, or the hard-working. It was created to extract and extort from them.
Then it gets even more complicated. Violence begets violence, so the saying goes. Perhaps some people escaped—they just left. But the violence had been internalized and followed them; or perhaps people never left. They just sat and stewed in the violence, and learned to use it on each other, like when a big brother kicks the middle child around, so when the little brother is born, the middle child starts kicking him around. Tradition…or when a group of people are persecuted in one country, then emigrate to another country, and start persecuting the people living there. In the end, we embrace the tools of our oppressors. In the end, we become oppressors, too. Why? Because we are ignorant of this cycle.
We must interrupt this cycle of violence. Somebody has to do it, and it’s better to be out in front on something like this, where we get to dictate the terms, rather than having the terms dictated to us. To pull this off, however, we would have to walk the talk, and lead by example, or nothing would really change.
Way back, if those better, stronger farmers had united with the weak and the less skilled ones, and everyone got fed, and had a purpose, and were included (‘belonged’), the original Bully would have found very few recruits. Instead of continuing to fight fire with more fire, we would need to fight fire by removing all flammable objects.
- It is an undeniable fact that people do not like anyone breaking and entering into their house, making a mess, roughing them up, damaging their property, etc. When we are thinking of sending our Military somewhere, we need to consider this.
- It is an undeniable fact that when you punish one person for the crimes of another, they will resent it. When we starve poor subjugated people because of the actions of their violent leader, we are ultimately just making more enemies. We need to consider this.
- It is an undeniable fact that when we use antibiotics in an attempt to kill an infection, antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria unfortunately will survive. Attempts to kill stuff actually leads to the survival and rise of something even stronger, and more resistant. So even when you nuke something seemingly out of existence, a small cell still manages to survive. And it’s stronger now. And it’s pissed off. We need to consider this.
- It is an undeniable fact that there are violent people in the world. But how could any group of people ever expect to come over here and take over our Country. First, they would have to kill all of us, and to do that, they would have to completely torch the place, and then it would no longer be habitable. Now they might want to kill us because we are a complete bunch of assholes. Perhaps we should work on that, just in case. And there is a chance that someday we become the only habitable place on Earth. Hopefully that future generation of people will have learned how to share a little bit more, because what goes around eventually comes around.
- Perhaps ‘Something’ is out there, coming to kill us all. Maybe it is a virus, maybe it’s an asteroid, or perhaps a species from somewhere else that happened to see our pretty blue planet and flew by to check it out. At some point, hopefully soon, we’ll all decide to focus on the most serious threats to our existence, and stop wasting bullets on each other.
On the other side of the southern border (with Mexico’s blessing), we would build a few Global Schools (and call them ‘Immigration Centers’). We would also build Global Schools in the Countries from which people are emigrating. People at our southern borders would be filtered into these Global School Communities, and live there for 2 years. We would educate them, feed them, house them, etc. When the two years are up, we would send them back to their own Country’s Global Schools, armed with new knowledge and technology, in order to improve conditions there. After this four-year commitment, We could sit down with anyone still wishing to immigrate to our Country, and see if it would be a good fit for both parties.
FBI / DEA / ATFE (without the A and the T)
National Security is about borders, but it’s also about what is going on within borders. We would give the task of all internal security matters to the FBI. They would also be pulling double-duty in our Communities, in a separate task as Community advocates (with our FBI Peace Officer Program—see Department of Justice).
NOTE: There would be a debate about the necessity of using any resources to fight a war on drugs that in essence is a Civil War, as we are fighting it with ourselves. To attack this problem on both sides, we would attempt to relieve the stress and pain of living for our adult citizens (financial and work stress, physical and mental / emotional health, social pressures, the PTSD of preventable trauma, etc.), and for our children, simply relieving the sheer boredom (of zero responsibility and the seeming purposelessness of education), plus the social pressures, which are enormously out of control.
BOTTOM LINE: We would attempt to minimize the “Demand” side of this Supply and Demand Equation.
Most Disasters are caused by people, but there are also “Natural” ones (some of which are also caused by people, ironically). With Government now located directly in each Community, the issue of preparedness could be better addressed, and communication with outside assistance would be fast and efficient. Health Care and food supplies would already be close at hand, and even some extra beds would be readily available. FEMA’s role would mainly be to supply Emergency Management. In other words, people with experience in these matters would help guide Communities through the basic Emergency playbook. If Disasters are a regular occurrence in some Communities, it would be the responsibility of State and Local Governments to have preparedness plans in place, which the people at FEMA could help facilitate, as well as the various engineers within the local ‘Federal Construction’ Businesses.
The loss of a home is one of the worst side effects of many natural disasters. This is where FEMA could really do the most good, and they would have many “helpers” from Education and Rehabilitation Facilities working to build “at the ready” shelters and Off-Grid Tiny Mobile Housing for use where needed. With loans through the People’s Bank, perhaps our Construction Teams could rebuild damaged Communities much more cheaply as well.
China spends $152 Billion on its Military. Russia Spends $70 Billion. Our goal would be to spend as much as both of them combined. But first We would need to work out conflicting agendas with various groups. Our position:
- We can see the damage that combat has done physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally to our Veterans. Forget about the financial costs. The damage to all of us for sending any one of us into combat makes War an unsustainable activity.
- Nevertheless, there may still be some ultimate battle to be fought, and when that time comes, we would all have to endure it together. Within our school system we would teach both the mental / emotional / spiritual “inner” discipline of peace, but also the physical “outer” discipline of ‘self-defense’. If the time comes when we must fight, then everyone would fight. Nobody would be exempt. Put another way: either we all fight, or nobody fights, and whosoever sounds the Battle Cry on that day, we would follow—literally—because that person would be the first one over the proverbial ‘Hill’, even if we have to strap them to the front of a tank.
- Yes, we are a violent species. Some say violence is inhumane, but violence, unfortunately, is one of the traits that best defines us. Being in denial about this basic and obvious fact is not an effective strategy for curbing it. Peace will never happen until we all go into Violence “Rehab”, where every day we wake up and assert “I will not kill…today”. Our Experiment in Peace would begin at our Global Schools, but would also need to permeate our thinking when Exporting Our New Brand.
In Football, many defensive coordinators opt for the Prevent Defense. The Bend Don’t Break Defense. The Fall back and Protect the End Zone Defense. That shit never works. What works best is to Bring the House; to full on Blitz and put the Quarterback on his ass. To any LEADER who would attempt to “gain ground” or take ‘real estate’ or wind up on another country’s “side of the field”, we would not be spending time or money fighting with your citizens about it. YOU are the only problem. We would be coming for YOU. We are going to full on Blitz, come right over the top of your Defense, and take YOU out. We are not kidding. Yes, we would really try to like everybody, and try to understand everybody, and work with everybody, but if you force your way into someone else’s territory without being invited, you would have to be eliminated.
Through Treasury’s R & D Budget, we have set aside separate funding for Military Deterrence Weaponry. Like all our future endeavors, we would have the best people working on it. We have some ideas about future deterrence that would be added to the probable [secret] list of ideas already being researched and / or developed. It is crucial that threats are stopped quickly and cleanly. The era of pawns fighting pawns (no offense) will soon be over.
Malware. Viruses, trojan horses, worms, spyware/adware, phishing, pharming, it’s all so disappointingly predictable. Just another reason to be depressed. And it’s unfortunate that our technological intelligence (ability to create things) is always one step ahead of our Emotional Intelligence (ability to use them or manage them properly, or foresee their unintended side effects). For this reason, we must invent Firewalls, SPAM blocking and spyware protection, Web Filtering, VPN and NAT and DMZ and SOCs and UTMs and super UTMs. Sounds expensive. But before we just open up a vein and let the bloodletting begin:
The scenery is different (it’s digital), but it’s still the same old Plot:
Someone Takes or Extracts from the Whole and grows Large and Fat. Three possible Reactions ensue:
- Gang up and Fight the Beast (all-out War).
- Ride the Coattails of the Beast (like a leech or a parasite). How?
- Simply “game” the system. Get Rich quick, with a bonus effect of feeling smugly smarter than both the wolf and the sheep.
- Game the System, but feel good about it from the misplaced logic that there is something righteous or noble about it. This is a very common defense mechanism within humans, to justify killing killers, or stealing from stealers, or cheating cheaters. Becoming what you despise as a justification to do the same damn thing the other guys are doing. It’s a reactive and not a proactive strategy.
- Use Guerrilla Tactics (annoy the Beast then run away) The equivalent of defacing public property. A small feeling of “sticking it to the Man”, brought on by feelings of disempowerment, possibly mingled with boredom or depression.
These kinds of issues will never go away, as human survival strategy has always been to ride on the backs of something bigger (like the Earth), to leech and drain and syphon off what we need. It will take some deep reflection and proactive planning to go against our natures. Before this great epiphany occurs, however, we would, as always, attack the problem from both sides:
- Create more fairness in every way possible, maintain connectedness with everyone possible, assure everyone possible that they have a purpose, and that their special super power (in this case, tech savvy) is useful in our collective mission to save the world. Together.
- Lessen the incentive for mischief.
- If there is a wall, someone is going to want climb over it, or tunnel under it. If possible, give the impression there is no barrier, but have sneaky good surveillance coupled with the ability to track the tracker and hack the hacker.
- Like we do with children, make things unbreakable. Let them play, but reduce the possibility of damage.
- If there’s nothing worth stealing, the real thieves won’t even bother breaking and entering. Whenever possible we have to lessen the financial incentives, and through sharing everything we have, there is no incentive to steal it.
These are the Large Systems we need to protect:
1. Health Grid
No money should be exchanged here, but identification numbers would be connected to the Banking Grid at some juncture. There may need to be a human or mechanical step between receiving Health Care, and any kind of transaction with the Bank.
2. Energy Grid
The “Smarter” we make this, the more vulnerable it probably becomes.
3. Education Grid
This system cannot totally be closed. There needs to be interaction with entities outside the Country.
4. Transportation Grid
Rails are mechanical, and the roads themselves can house directional sensors. Someone could still potentially hack in and change the intended destination of a driverless vehicle, and worse yet, even leave a bomb in the vehicle, but with a closed-loop connection between vehicle and road, it should not be possible to send a vehicle along some unconventional path.
5. Banking Grid
(Collection of taxes and mortgage payments, dispersal of Retirement and salaries, etc.) This needs to be untouchable.
Each of these systems probably come with their own unique issues, thereby making the solution disappointingly complex. Although personally ignorant [obviously] of the technology involved, I would point out that we are financially capable of laying fiber optic cable everywhere necessary within the Continental US, and if that allows a completely Closed System to be created, for Federal Use Only, perhaps we should start having that conversation. Only so many upgrades can be added to an Operating System before it’s time to throw the whole thing out and introduce a new Operating System.
Let’s keep this simple. Nuclear weapons are expensive to store and dangerous. Nuclear waste (the byproduct of making weapons) is expensive to store and dangerous. New nuclear technology would allow us to put both the bombs and the waste into the incinerator, with the two-fold bonus of providing us with energy while reducing the duration of the radioactive threat.
Some Light Reading
- DoD R&D Soars 24%, Procurement Up 15%; Army Up Most
- We still maintain nearly 800 military bases in more than 70 countries and territories abroad,
- As of 2017, the U.S. has an inventory of 6,800 nuclear warheads; of these, 2,800 are retired and awaiting dismantlement and 4,018 are part of the U.S. stockpile. We will divide the 2,800 up first.
- The United States has over 90,000 metric tons of nuclear waste that requires disposal. 80,000 from Nuclear Energy, another 14,000 metric tons from Nuclear Weapons programs. For the most part, this waste is stored where it was generated—at 80 sites in 35 states.
Some Global Schools data
Harvard University has 16 million gross square feet of buildings on its Main Campus. To build something that massive would cost:
$1.6 Billion in Construction Costs (Remember, $100 per square foot)
$1.8 Billion in yearly Salaries and Wages for 10,000 staff members (from education, health care, security, maintenance, etc.) [For details on this, see Global Schools]
$583 Million a year in Services such as food production, security, etc.
$257 Million in Supplies and Equipment
This would equate to an eventual Bank Loan of $320 Billion for 200 schools, or a $18.3 Billion yearly mortgage payment over 30 years, plus another $3 Billion in School Expenses
Staff Numbers –
- 292 Physicians per 100,000 population
- Doctor residencies could be 2 years in global school, then placement in Community for 2 more years at a slightly reduced rate – 4-year residency total to repay student loan. 2,500 educators per 100,000 population.